
双语早餐【英语漫游 英语口语听力每天学 Learning English】 - Un pódcast de 喜马拉雅播客

微信搜索:纽约新青年 回复【笔记】即可观看节目视频。 新浪微博:@Ryan美语 @Alex美语 咨询课程微信:babylaoshi3 1、I use tinder for food. I make guys take me on dates and after they feed me I leave and never talk to them again. 我用tinder是为了食物。我让男人带我去约会,他们请我吃完饭以后我就闪,然后再也不跟他们联系。 2、I use tinder to practice my jokes. I guess you could say my dating life is just a joke. 我用tinder是为了练习讲笑话。我想你可能觉得我的约会生活就是个笑话。 3、I only use tinder to make girls follow me on instagram. 我用tinder只是为了让姑娘们去关注我的instagram。 4、I only use tinder and other dating apps for rides to places since I hate taking the bus. 我用tinder和其它约会软件只是为了让人开车免费载我一程,因为我讨厌坐公交车。 5、I use tinder through a friend’s account so I can screw with people. 我用一个朋友的账号登录tinder,然后去聊骚别人。 6、I only use tinder so I can laugh at the way people describe themselves. 我用tinder是为了去看人们那些搞笑(装逼煽情)的自我介绍。 7、Honestly ? I’m only on Tinder to screenshot the creepy messages and post them on Riddit. I regret nothing. 周一至周五,每天早上6点更新!  不见不散