【口语天天练】It's not that...

双语早餐【英语漫游 英语口语听力每天学 Learning English】 - Un pódcast de 喜马拉雅播客

关注微信公众号“爱英语”获取文字内容和让人上瘾的英文故事 我们不是不想借钱给你,我们也挺缺钱的。 It's not that we are unwilling to lend you money. We are short of money, too.  (be short of, 缺) 我们并不是不想工作,只是真的需要休息一下了。 It's not that we don't wanna work. It's just we really need a break.  不是我不想和你们一起去玩儿,我是真的没时间。 It's not that I don't like to hang out with you guys. I really don't have time.