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双语早餐【英语漫游 英语口语听力每天学 Learning English】 - Un pódcast de 喜马拉雅播客

「微信」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 「英文学习笔记」 lurk vi. 潜藏  righteous adj. 公正的 fruition n. 成果  decoration n. 装饰品 stuck adj. 不能动的  stuck in 埋头于,专心致志于 spill v. 溢出 --- 「中英文歌词对照」 Work 工作 Rihanna  Join me I deserved it  加入我吧这是值得的 No time to have you lurking  没有时间让你潜伏了  If I got right then you might like it  只要我做好了你会喜欢的 You know I dealt with you the nicest  你知道我永远给你最好的 Nobody touch me, I’m the righteous  没人接触我,我是正义的 Nobody text me in a crisis  在危急时刻没人搭理我 I believed all of your dreams are fruition  我相信你是希望有所成就的 You took my heart and my keys and my vision 你夺走了我的心我的钥匙我的幻想 You took my heart off my sleeve a decoration  你扯掉了我袖子上的装饰 You mistaken my love I brought for you for foundation  你误会了我给你的最初的爱 All that I wanted from you was to give me something that I never had  我只想你给我一些我从未得到过的东西 Something that you've never seen  一些你从未见过的稀奇 Something that you've never been  一些你从未到过的地方 But I wake up and everything’s wrong  但是我醒来发现一切都不对了 Just get ready for work, work, work  只能准备不断工作 You see me I be work, work, work 你看我一直工作 You see me do me dirt, dirt, dirt 你看我是否满脸尘土 Baby something please  宝贝拜托你 Baby don’t you leave  宝贝你不要离开 Don’t leave me stuck here in the streets (no, no)  你不要留我独自在街上 If I get another chance to  如果再给我一次机会 I will never, no never neglect you  我再也不会疏忽你 I mean who am I to hold your past against you  我之所以给你带来那样的生活 I just hope that it gets to you  只是希望能让你满足 I hope that you see this through  我希望你通过这个看到 I hope that you see this true  我希望你看到真相 What can I say?  我能说什么呢? Please recognize I’m trying baby  我也在努力啊宝贝 You need to get done, done, done, done  你需要停下手上的工作 That’ll work, come over  有用的,过来吧 We just need that slow the motion  我们需要的是慢慢来 Don't give that away to no one  不要谁都不理了 Long distance, I need you 旅途漫漫,我需要你 When I see potential I just gotta see it through  我只有通过这我就能看到可能性 If you had a twin I would still choose you  即使你有孪生姐妹我还是会选择你 I don't wanna rush into it, if it's too soon  我不想太心急,那样太快了 But I know you need to get done, done, done,done  但是你必须停下来 If you come over  如果你要解决问题 Sorry if I’m way less friendly  如果我太不友好我抱歉 I got niggas tryna end me 我朋友想阻止我 Oh, yeah, I spilled all my emotions tonight, I’m sorry  啊,对不起,我今晚表现的太情绪化了 Rolling, rolling, rolling  走来走去,走来走去 How many more shots until you’re rolling?  你要弄到什么时候呢? We just need a face to face  我们需要的是面对面 You could pick the time and the place  你来选个时间地点 You spent some time away  你需要腾出点时间来 Now you need to forward and give me all the 现在你要前进,于是给我所有的