#57 马云放弃实控权 (corrected ver)

News with Zhe - Un pódcast de Learn with Zhe


🏬What shopping platform do you prefer? Which is better, Amazon or Aliexpress? The news I want to discuss today is the news about Alibaba's founder, Jack Ma. He is now saying farewell to Alibaba Group. This story has a lot to discuss, so here's the rest of the news commentary.  🏬你們喜歡用什麼平台購物呢?亞馬遜還是Aliexpress? 今天要聊的新聞就是來看看馬雲創辦人的新聞,他現在要跟阿里巴巴集團說掰掰了。這篇新聞有很多值得討論的部分,因此下面附上其他的新聞評論。  🏬你们喜欢用什么平台购物呢?亚马逊还是Aliexpress?今天要聊的新闻就是来看看马云创办人的新闻,他现在要跟阿里巴巴集团说掰掰了。这篇新闻有很多值得讨论的部分,因此下面附上其他的新闻评论。 [00:00] introduction [04:30] explanation [10:49] discussion Please don't hesitate to contact me. 📫Email me( [email protected]) 📺Find me on youtube (for transcripts)   📝Find me on Instagram (for vocabulary cards and QA)    👩‍🏫Find a Chinese teacher on italki (with this link)   👨‍🏫Find a Chinese teacher on Preply(with this link)  來源/来源:馬雲放棄實控權 螞蟻集團:專注整改/無上市計畫 - 台視財經 (ttv.com.tw)  More resources: 客座评论:习近平拿什么去激励企业家 | 评论分析 | DW | 06.01.2023 習近平讓馬雲掰掰了?她揭驚人內幕:馬雲越強,台灣自主之路才真正危險 (msn.com)