10 Italian Phrases to Use When You’re Busy or Running Late

30 Minute Italian - Un pódcast de Cher

I don’t know about you, but recently I have been feeling pretty filled to the brim with tasks to do, and that reminded me of all of the things I say in Italian to tell others that I have a lot on my plate. I’m sure many of you are in the same boat, and so I thought I would share my favorite expressions with you. 1) Ho una miriade di cose da fare. - I have a lot of things to do. 2) Ho una marea di lavoro da svolgere. - I have a tide (a load) of work to carry out. 3) Ho un sacco di cose da fare. - I have a sack of things to do./I have a lot on my plate. 4) Sono impegnato/a - impegnatissimo/a. - I’m really busy. 5) Sono sommerso/a dal lavoro! - I’m overwhelmed by work! 6) Sono in ritardo! - I’m late! 7) Scusi, possiamo parlare dopo? Sono di fretta. - Sorry, can we chat later? I’m in a rush. 8) Vado di fretta. - I’m in a rush. 9) Il tempo è volato! Scusi, devo scappare o farò tardi! - The time flew by! Sorry, I gotta’ run or I’ll be late! If you’re saying this to a friend, use “scusami - sorry” instead of the formal “scusi.” 10) Sto per perdere (il treno)! - I’m about to miss the train! WANT TO SIGN UP FOR A QUIZLET PLUS MEMBERSHIP? If you heard about the flashcard app, Quizlet, from the podcast and want to sign up for their generous 30% off offer, click this link. GRAZIE TO ALL PATREON SUPPORTERS INCLUDING... Elise Kausen Fiona Geilinger Ellen Lyons Fran Elizabeth Blood Additional resources at... http://icebergproject.co/italian  Like the podcast? Leave a review in Apple Podcasts! If you like the podcast, I would appreciate it a TON if you left a review. You can hit a star rating in your Podcasts app on your iPhone or go to the iTunes store and click Leave a Review on the show page. Special thanks to 4barrelcarb on freesound.org for the ad music.

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