Sexy Phrases to Seduce Your Italian Lover

30 Minute Italian - Un pódcast de Cher

While I firmly believe that we should infuse romance and lots of pepper -- as the Italians say -- into our love lives every day, it’s not so bad that we have one day a year to do something a bit more special. (Plus, I like getting chocolate, so I won’t be the first to complain about the commercialization of love.) In another article, one of our contributing writers, Hannah, shared romantic Italian words and phrases with you. Then, I gave you some pointers on what to say in the bedroom (in the classiest way, of course). We’ve talked about what to say on the first date (and what to say when you don’t want to go on a date at all). We’ve even covered what it’s like to date an Italian -- both from the perspective of non-Italians and native ones. All in all, we’ve really done a thorough job of covering love. But, love being how it is, there is always more to say about it. So, this time around, we (that is, Rachel, Carlotta & I) thought we would make this list a little steamier. The phrases below are divided by ratings, so if you’re feeling extra saucy, head over to and scroll on down to very bottom. G -- Mi piace come mi baci. - I like how you kiss me. Alternatively: Mi piace essere baciato/a da te. - I like being kissed by you. -- Vorrei che questo abbraccio non finisse mai. - I wish this hug would never end. (Aw!) -- Quando chiudo gli occhi la sera, l'ultima cosa a cui penso sei sempre tu. - When I close my eyes at night, the last thing I think about is always you. (Stopppp.) -- Non mi stancherei mai di parlare con te. - I would never get tired of talking to you. (Okay, THIS one.) -- Mi manca il tuo sorriso bellissimo. - I miss your beautiful smile. -- Sei la cosa più bella che mi sia capitata fino ad ora. - You’re the most beautiful / wonderful thing that’s happened to me so far. -- Non riesco a smettere di pensarti / Non riesco a toglierti dalla testa. - I can’t stop thinking about you. -- Sei tutto il mio mondo. - You’re my whole world. -- Sei la metà della mia mela. - You’re my soulmate. (Literally: You’re my half-apple.) Um, a word of wisdom from the ladies writing this to the men reading it, don’t say this: Tuo padre doveva essere un ladro, perché è riuscito a rubare dal cielo le stelle più belle per metterle al posto dei tuoi occhi. - Your father must have been a thief because he succeeded in stealing the most beautiful stars in the sky to put in place of your eyes. PG -- Ti aspetto. - I’m waiting for you. -- Ti voglio. - I want you. -- Ho voglia di te. - I desire you -- Ti immagino qui con me. - I am imagining you here with me. -- Vorrei alzarmi tutte le mattine accanto a te. - I wish I could wake up every morning next to you. -- Ho voglia delle tue coccole. - I want your cuddles. PG-13 -- Non vedo l’ora di sentire le tue mani su di me. - I can’t wait to feel your hands on me. -- Cosa vuoi che faccia? - What do you want me to do? (and geeky grammar sidenote, this is a great example of the subjunctive mood in action.) -- Ho una fantasia. La vuoi sentire? - I have a fantasy. Do you want to hear it? -- Mi ecciti così tanto. - You really turn me on. -- Voglio che mi baci qui… e qui… e anche qui. - I want you to kiss me here… and here… and also here. -- Baciami dappertutto! - Kiss me everywhere! -- Facciamo un gioco? - Do you want to play a game? -- Chiudi gli occhi e siediti qui… - Close your eyes and sit here… For more (including some racier options) go to:   Special thanks to The Creative Impostor Studios for producing this show. Like the podcast? Leave a review in Apple Podcasts! If you like the podcast, I would appreciate it a TON if you left a review. You can hit a star rating in your Podcasts app on your iPhone or go to the iTunes store and click Leave a Review on the show page.  

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