#14 - Preact Rocks!
5 minutes of React - Un pódcast de 5 minutes of React
Some of the latest news from the Preact world: the mobile version of Uber website uses Preact as well as the new Transformers promo site, and the author of Preact gave a great talk called "Preact: Into the void 0" at JSConf EU 2017. I will also share my impressions of an egghead.io course and take a look at preact-cli, a tool for quick PWA app creation. - https://preactjs.com/ - https://eng.uber.com/m-uber/ - http://www.transformersmovie.com/ - https://youtu.be/LY6y3HbDVmg - https://egghead.io/courses/up-and-running-with-preact - https://github.com/developit/preact-cli 5 minutes of React - podcast about React hot topics and JavaScript ecosystem. https://5minreact.audio