Pilot Episode: The Abyss (1989)
70mm - Un pódcast de 70mm - Lunes

Danny, Proto, and Slim chat about James Cameron's The Abyss (1989).
Other topics include having trouble finding a movie podcast, TROS, getting into Letterboxd, James Bond marathons, Obi-Wan being put on hiatus, working in a video store and shopping at Blockbuster, The Abyss (starting ~11:30), Letterboxd love (~50:30), and more.
- Sponsored by Half Double Design
- Episode artwork by Danny Haas
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- Hardware used to record this episode
- Letterboxd Setlist of upcoming movies
- Leave the show a voicemail: (267) 409-6983
- Follow Danny, Proto, and Slim on Letterboxd
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- This episode was produced by Ian De Borja, Danny Haas, Protolexus, and Slim