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A Cup Of English - Un pódcast de Anna


Do you find waiting frustrating at times? I do, especially when I'm waiting for someone else to complete their work, so that a project can be finished. Waiting for emails, paperwork, for someone to make his or her(1) mind up, or waiting for a telephone call, can all be exasperating(2). When I think about it, I realize that I always have a project going on. It's either one thing or another. I love projects; I love having an idea, doing some work, and seeing that idea become a reality. In my garden, it's simple. It's all up to me. I get the idea, I plan, I work, and I finish. However, when other people are involved, it's not that simple. Immigration papers are a perfect example. When I was trying to get my mother's immigration papers for the U.S approved, it was as painful as pulling teeth out. We had to wait. We had to make phone calls. We had to fill out more papers. And we had to wait again, for months and months. I can't complain, because, in the end she got her green card. The project was worth the wait(3). Well, I've just been informed of another project that was worth the wait: my Android app is finally ready. I have been emailing my host company, asking for the release date. They have been patient with me, but it has been really hard to wait, especially considering that many of my listeners have Android devices. Well, it's out; it's here, and I'm relieved. There's no more waiting; just click and enjoy. 1. 'Someone ...his or her'. The objects that follow 'someone' can vary in English. Even though 'someone' is like saying 'a person' and is therefore singular, we do cheat and sometimes use the possessive object 'their' afterwards, especially in speech. In the second sentence of the podcast I say: '...especially when I'm waiting for someone to complete their work..' Later I say, 'waiting for someone to make up his or her mind' which shows the word 'someone' as singular. Of course, the second example is the correct one, but using 'their' after someone is very common and accepted. a. Someone needs to move their car; it's blocking the exit. b. Someone left their muddy shoes on the carpet! 2. 'Exasperating' is one of my favorite words. It means that something is annoying, frustrating, and exhausting. It even sounds like its meaning. a. Waiting in line in Disney Land in the middle of summer can be exasperating. b. The argument that I had with my neighbor was exasperating; we didn't agree at all, and she didn't make any sense. 3. 'Worth the wait'  is the same as saying 'worth waiting for'. a. The app for Android was worth the wait. b. My mother's cooking is great, even if it takes a long time for a meal to be ready; it's worth the wait. Click the link for the Android app Click the link for the Apple app // //   //   //

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