Haitian Art

A Cup Of English - Un pódcast de Anna


Leavenworth is fast becoming my favorite local place to have lunch. I took my mother up there today for a yummy trip to Pav's restaurant as an early Mother's Day gift. It was a perfect day, sunny and cool. Actually, they had had a heavy snowfall a few days previously which everyone thought was a bit crazy, but considering that it is a mountainous region, it's not that surprising. We wandered around the main streets a little and window shopped, until we got hungry enough for lunch. Pav's opens at eleven thirty, and we got there bang on time. We were the first ones there, so we chose the very best spot to sit. After we had ordered, we chatted, both admiring the surroundings at the same time. The metalwork on the walls caught our attention, and as we commented on it, the waitress told us that they had bought it all from Haiti. Each piece was for sale, she said, but they weren't sure if they would ever get any more, because of the situation in Haiti at the moment. "They are made out of oil drums", she said. We were immediately intrigued, so we got up, and wandered around the other rooms, looking at the different wall decorations. There were motifs of hearts, crosses, birds, and twisted vines. They were simple yet beautiful, primitive but with delicate detail. My mother couldn't resist it; she had to buy one. As we ate our meal, we read the little attached paper that came with the piece that she had bought. It said that the artisans cut the oil drum open, stuff it with straw, and burn the inside to get rid of residues. Then, sections of metal are cut, and the wall decor evolves out of the use only of a hammer and a chisel. It must be time consuming work, and one that shows how people can become imaginative and resourceful when in need. Looking at the art, we would never have guessed that it came from Haiti. The restaurant, after all, is supposed to look French. However, I can see a connection, and these unusual pieces of art add something special to any decor. Grammar notes. Useful expressions: considering that..., to window shop, to intrigue, to evolve. 1. Considering their financial situation, I'm surprised that they've bought a new car. 2. I don't want to buy anything; I just want to window shop. 3. That man intrigues me; he seems shy, and yet he speaks very confidently.   4. This has evolved from a small project into a time consuming major one. Click the link to rate my podcast or buy my app. Thanks! // //   //  

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