Relax, Learn Native Japanese Before Sleep - JLPT N5 words | podcast (One Piece)

A Sleepy Japanese Podcast - Un pódcast de Masanori Mori


In this video, you can learn IMPORTANT words for JLPT N5 with native and practical pronunciation. Those words/vocab are often LISTED UP in some textbooks for JLPT, and also very useful in daily life. And today I'm talking about "ワンピース (One Piece)", the greattttttt manga !! Let me tell you how fabulous it is ....! Hope you like it, thanks :-) 【📝 Vocabulary list & Practical Tips】  topic ~Send~  - ゆうびんきょく (郵便局): post office 🏣  - ポスト: mail box 📮  - てがみ (手紙): letter 📩 →ex) 手紙をかく。I write a letter.  - はがき (葉書): postcard  →or we would say just ポストカード.  - ねんがじょう (年賀状): new year's card   *Sending new year's card (typical ones) is the very Japanese, but recently it's getting less traditional.🎌   - だす (出す): send →ex) 手紙をだす。I send a letter.  - メール: email 📧  - おくる (送る): send →ex) メールをおくる。I send an email.  - きって (切手): stamp  - あつめる (集める): collect →ex) 切手をあつめる。I collect stamps.😁  - ふうとう (封筒): envelope 1:40​ - がいこく (外国): foreign country →*we would also call it かいがい (海外).   - エアメール: air mail 🛫 - こうくうびん (航空便): air mail  - ふなびん (船便): surface mail 🛳   - にもつ (荷物): package 📦  - おもい (重い): heavy →ex) 重い荷物。Heavy package.  - かるい (軽い): light  - じゅうしょ (住所): address 🏘 →ex) じゅうしょを書いてください。Please write your address.  - ばんごう (番号): number *電話番号 is phone number.  - かたち (形): shape   - こと (事): thing →ex) たのしいこと。Fun thing.  - もの (物): thing →ex) きれいなもの。Beautiful thing. ✨  - ほう (方): one →ex) やすいほう。Cheap one.  *We would use ほう to compare things and then choose the one. ex) やすいほうがほしい。I want the cheap one. (Not the expensive one)

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