Relax, Learn Native Japanese Before Sleep - JLPT N5 words | podcast (takopa)

A Sleepy Japanese Podcast - Un pódcast de Masanori Mori


In this video, you can learn IMPORTANT words for JLPT N5 with native and practical pronunciation. Those words/vocab are often LISTED UP in some textbooks for JLPT, and also very useful in daily life. And today I'm talking about "タコパ (takopa)", can you guess the meaning ?   nowadays I've just experienced it for the first time in my life. Hope you like it, thanks ~~ For more leaning, please visit my YouTube channel ! 【📝 Vocabulary list & Practical Tips】  topic ~Present~   - あげる: give 🎁 →ex) 私はともだちにプレゼントをあげる。I will give a present to my friend.  - もらう (貰う): receive 🤩 →ex) 私はほんをもらう。I receive a book.  - くれる: give ☺️ →ex) 母がてがみをくれる。My mother gives me a letter.   - プレゼント: present 🧸 →ex) 誕生日プレゼント。birthday present.  - もの (物): thing   - パーティー: party 🎉  - はじめる (始める): start  →ex) パーティーをはじめましょう。Let's start the party.   - だれ (誰): who   - どなた: who →*どなた is more polite way of "who" than だれ.  - あのかた (あの方): that person 🧍‍♂️ →かた means "person" in polite way. Casually あのひと (あの人), meaning that person.   - クリスマス: Christmas 🎄  - たんじょうび (誕生日): birthday   - うまれる (生まれる): born 👼🏻 →ex) 赤ちゃんが生まれる。A baby is born. *赤ちゃん means baby.  - おめでとう: congratulations ❗️ →おめでとうございます is more polite.  - わあ: wow/oh *when you are surprised.   - なんさい (何才): how old 👱🏻 →ex) あなたは何才ですか?How old are you ?  - おいくつ: how old →more polite than なんさい. ex) おいくつですか?How old are you ?  - ~さい (才): ~years old  - なんにち (何日): what date 📆 →ex) 今日は何日ですか?What is today's date ?

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