S08 Episode 04: Holy Curiosity: Discovering Your Temperament

Abiding Together - Un pódcast de Heather Khym, Michelle Benzinger, Sister Miriam James Heidland - Lunes

In this episode we talk about the importance of growing in self awareness and understanding our temperament and personality traits. We chat about how understanding the temperament God has given to us can help us see our tendencies, areas we need to grow, and how to embrace those who are different from us. We also talk about the pitfalls in personality tests that turn into excuses for bad behavior or labels that don't allow for grace and the power of God to change us and restore our brokenness. Sister Miriam’s one thing - Sister Miriam’s Green Drink: Combine any quantity of kale, spinach, celery, cucumber, carrots, sliced apple or pear and ice in a blender. Add 1 scoop chia seeds and/or superfood powder if you want. Blend until smooth and enjoy! Michelle’s one thing - Take the World by JOHNNYSWIM Heather’s one thing - Heather's Greek Pasta Salad Recipe   Books Mentioned: The Temperament God Gave You by Art Bennett, Laraine Bennett  The Temperament God Gave your Kids by Art Bennett  The Temperament God gave your Spouse by Loraine Bennett    Basic Temperament Definitions: Discover your temperament with this online test.  Choleric: You are a natural leader and energetic go-getter, the classic "type A" personality. You are usually extraverted, which means that your energy is focused externally, actively, and socially. You are a "can do" person, energetic, determined and confident. Phlegmatic: You are calm, easy-going, and good-natured. To the ancient Greeks, phlegmatic were like water: calm, cool, going with the flow. You are dependable, polite, and even-tempered. You feel more comfortable in a small group of friends or even spending a quiet evening relaxing at home. Melancholic: Yours is a thoughtful, sensitive, artistic temperament, with noble aspirations. You are very likely artistic, romantic, and attentive to detail. Quiet and introverted (except with very close friends and family) you will need to recharge your batteries by spending time alone.  Sanguine: You are friendly, fun-loving, and optimistic--always up for something new and exciting. You love a spur-of-the-moment adventure and being spontaneous.Sanguines are the most extraverted of all the temperaments: active, inquisitive, and energized by being with people. Discussion questions:     What struck you from this week’s episode? After reading the basic definitions, which temperament resonates most with you? How can you see your own temperament as a gift and a blessing?  In the podcast we talked about how we can’t use our temperament/personality as an excuse for poor behavior. What is one way that you need the grace of God to overcome a negative tendency you have? After reading the basic definitions, which temperament would describe your spouse, roommate or child? How can you see their temperament as a gift and a blessing?  How can we better honor those who are different than us?  Journal Questions: What would you like to thank God for when it comes to how he made you and your temperament?  Who has God given you that is different and complementary to you? Think of the blessing of your children, coworkers, roommates, and friends. How can you honor the differences these individuals bring to your life?  Are there any patterns of behavior or thought in your life that you have been told are part of your temperament, but may be a result of woundedness? Ask the Lord to help reveal these places and then surrender them to Jesus.  Quote to Ponder - “Self-knowledge is so important that, even if you were raised right up to the heavens, I should like you never to relax your cultivation of it.” - St Teresa of Avila Scripture for Lectio Divina - Luke 6:43-45 “No good tree bears bad fruit, nor again does a bad tree bear good fruit; for each tree is known by its own fruit. Figs are not gathered from thorns, nor are grapes picked from a bramble bush. The good person out of the good treasure of the heart produces good, and the evil person out of evil treasure produces evil; for it is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks.”    This episode is sponsored by Every Sacred Sunday. The Every Sacred Sunday Mass Journal is designed to help you intentionally prepare and engage with the Mass each week. It contains the readings for each Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation for one liturgical year with a simple journaling template after each reading. Other features include thick quality paper, a durable hardbound cover, original illustrations, and key prayers of the Mass. This journal is thoughtfully designed to invite you to say yes to God, one Sunday at a time. Get $5 off your next purchase with the code abide5.

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