Two Babies, Ten Weeks Apart: Adoptive Mother and Birth Mother Pregnant Together [S8E6]
ADOPTION NOW - Un pódcast de April Fallon

Two Babies, Ten Weeks Apart Noah and April sit down with birth mother Jessica and adoptive mother Connie for a story that they have not heard before. Even after telling hundreds of adoption stories, nothing could have prepared them for this combination of embryo adoption and traditional adoption happening at once. An Unexpected Match, with Unexpected Timing After getting married late in life, Connie and Matt struggled with expanding their family. The couple went through a miscarriage and decided to look at other options. They decided to pursue traditional adoption through an agency. They were set and ready to go when Connie heard about embryo adoption. The process moved so quickly and at the age of 43 Connie was pregnant! When Jessica found out she was unexpectedly pregnant with her third child at 21, she did not feel she could add another baby to the family. She had just started school for a career she felt would change her and her son's lives. Through much thought, she decided adoption was her best option. She found a national agency and moved forward. The agency, having no idea that Connie was pregnant, matched them. Would the agency let Connie adopt 10 weeks after she delivered a baby? Would Jessica still choose to be matched to a mom who was already pregnant? Noah and April had so many question in this interview, and you can see how the connection between Connie and Jessica was a true match! Listen now to hear how this adoption story came together.