AI & The Limits to Growth w/ Co-President of The Club of Rome PAUL SHRIVASTAVA
AI & The Future of Humanity: Artificial Intelligence, Technology, VR, Algorithm, Automation, ChatBPT, Robotics, Augmented Reality, Big Data, IoT, Social Media, CGI, Generative-AI, Innovation, Nanotechnology, Science, Quantum Computing: The Creative Proce - Un pódcast de The Creative Process Original Series: Artificial Intelligence, Technology, Innovation, Engineering, Robotics & Internet of Things

“I think AI is sort of inevitable in some ways. It is not very intelligent right now; it is probably closer to artificial stupidity, but it's a question of time before it becomes smarter and smarter. We need to tackle the right to use question and the value question now as it is developing. It can amplify both the positive possibilities as well as the negative consequences, and we want to make sure that it benefits the largest number of people on Earth. And systems themselves. Are there guidelines? Are there principles? The Club of Rome group has subgroups who are looking at AI, proposing a constitution for AI, and trying to influence its development, understanding fully well that almost $300 billion has been poured into AI already by the United States venture capital, and it is going to start having impacts. We can't stop it, but while the train is moving, we are trying to make sure some guardrails get into place that everybody plays by. All these transformations cannot be done one by one; they have to happen together in order to have an overall impact, and that is the challenge that not a single organization like the Club of Rome or a university or somebody can accomplish alone. All of us need to get involved.”