#130 // Only Thing Heating-Up In UK is Raab's Inquiry
Aid Thompsin & Other Disappointments - Un pódcast de Aid Thompsin
Solo episode | tonight i'm asking the question "Why is a Human Rights-hating, NDA-sanctioning lunatic the Justice Minister in the first (or indeed second) place?" ALSO: the Telegraph want me to freeze to death for being a bit entitled. Is that not a bit disproportionate? All episodes go out on my patreon FIRST. Two days ahead of Spotify, Apple etc. Patreon backers get first listen, but also get invites to the LIVE SHOWS AND MEETUPS! Next one is Friday 10th February 2023 in Soho, London, W1. It's me, Supertanskiii and Danny fuckin' Price. Be there or... be somewhere else entirely i guess. Also: check out the newly revamped funk-27 website. I keep all old episodes on there, plus the blogs, guest writers like Byline Times' David Lowther. It's a good website guys. Trust me. Or don't. But whether or not you put your trust in me, the website is still good. Those things are not connected. Can't stress that enough. Trust itself does not build good or bad websites. Are you still reading this? Then say hello to me on Twitter. This podcast is powered by Pinecast.