770. Meghann Featherstun's 2024 in Review
Ali on the Run Show - Un pódcast de Ali Feller

"We all have fears in life. We all have things that hold us back from doing some really cool stuff. But I kept reminding myself, 'Meghann, this is the opportunity of a lifetime. You can hear those fears, but you’re going to push them aside and you’re going to figure this out.'" Fan favorite sports dietitian Meghann Featherstun returns to the Ali on the Run Show today for her 2024 in review, including the highs (London!), the lows (none come to mind!), the group runs (O-H-I-O!), and the completion of her Abbott Six-Star journey. FOLLOW MEGHANN @featherstonenutrition SPONSOR: New Balance: Click here to shop New Balance's latest releases for the season. Follow Ali: Instagram @aliontherun1 Join the Facebook group Twitter @aliontherun1 Support on Patreon Subscribe to the newsletter SUPPORT the Ali on the Run Show! If you’re enjoying the show, please subscribe and leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts. Spread the run love. And if you liked this episode, share it with your friends!