Ep 230: Hypnosis For Childbirth with Kerry Tuschhoff of Hypnobabies
All About Pregnancy & Birth - Un pódcast de Dr. Nicole C. Rankins - Martes

Hypnosis during labor and birth has come up several times on the podcast and today I’m interviewing an expert. Kerry Tuschhoff is a doula, birth instructor, and founder of Hypnobabies. No, they don’t hypnotize babies :). It’s an online resource for hypnosis classes and courses for childbirth.Kerry was shocked at how severe the pain of childbirth was and decided to dedicate herself to finding a way to make it easier. That path led her to hypno-anesthesia and eventually becoming a professional hypnotherapist. She has so many great tips and lots of good resources to share in this episode!In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:What hypnosis actually isWho is a good candidate for hypnotherapy and who is notHow hypnosis is used during childbirthWhy you may want to practice meditation and visualizationHow your birth partner can support your hypnobirth How hypnosis can help your birthing partner--Full website notes: drnicolerankins.com/episode230Check out The Birth Preparation CourseRegister for the class How to Create a Birth Plan the Right WayAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brandsPrivacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy