Anniversary Episode: Reflections on the Podcast

Alpha Exchange - Un pódcast de Dean Curnutt


Since 2018, Dean Curnutt has been hosting discussions with market professionals, focused on topics such as portfolio construction, hedging, monetary policy and the impact of financial products on markets.  Central to these conversations has been the exploration of an expert’s risk framework and how he or she goes about looking for opportunities. A little more than 6 years after its launch, the Alpha Exchange is celebrating its 200th episode. Along the way, Dean has been privileged to engage with hedge fund founders, investment strategists, fintech entrepreneurs, policymakers and even authors. A wonderful community of sophisticated listeners has emerged in the process. In this special conversation, Arthur Kaz asks Dean to reflect on the podcast and how it is a part of his own pursuit of a better understanding of asset price dynamics. Viewing the study of markets as quite humbling, Dean aims to have the Alpha Exchange contribute to the financial community’s collective understanding of risk. Asked about what’s on his mind with respect to today’s risk landscape, Dean argues that both gold and bitcoin have unique, option-like characteristics that might prove valuable should confidence in the US fiscal outlook further erode. What’s next for the podcast?  Dean shares some exciting ideas for expansion, including both short and long form video as well as working with university finance departments to deliver case studies that students can use to bolster their knowledge of real-world market events. Lastly, Arthur asks about MacroMinds, the charity that Dean founded in 2020 to bring the investment industry together to support student education. At the 5-year anniversary of MacroMinds, he says that it’s time to say “thanks” – to the donors, to the speakers and to those that have come together to help the initiative raise more than $1.3 million for students. We hope you enjoy this special 200th anniversary episode of the Alpha Exchange, a conversation with Dean Curnutt.  Thank you for listening.

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