#61 – Vorermüdung: Erst Fliegende und dann Bankdrücken?
Alpha Progression Podcast: Krafttraining, Muskelaufbau, Ernährung - Un pódcast de Alpha Progression: Alles über Bodybuilding, Powerlifting, Fitness, Abnehmen, Diät, Fettverlust, Kraftsport, Fitnesstraining, Essen
…oder doch besser klassisches Training? Alpha Progression App: alphaprogression.com/app Alpha Progression Gruppe: facebook.com/groups/alphaprogression Benjamins Insta-Profil: instagram.com/benjamin.alphaprogression Studien Brennecke et al. (2009): Neuromuscular activity during bench press exercise performed with and without the preexhaustion method. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19855317 Artur et al. (2017): Effects of Pre-exhaustion on the Patterns of Muscular Activity in the Flat Bench Press. researchgate.net/publication/311704970_Effects_of_Pre-exhaustion_on_the_Patterns_of_Muscular_Activity_in_the_Flat_Bench_Press