Ep 293 Interview Sessions with Tim Duggan | Work Backwards - Work Smarter, Live Better

Always Better than Yesterday with Ryan Hartley | A Podcast for Heart Centred Leaders - Un pódcast de Ryan Hartley - Miercoles


Tim Duggan is an optimist who loves thinking about big ideas. Tim has co-founded several digital media ventures,most notably Junkee Media, one of the leading independent publishers in Australia. His first book, Cult Status, was awarded the Best Entrepreneurship and Small Business Book at the 2021Australian Business Book Awards, and his second book on creativity, Killer Thinking, was named one of the Best Books of 2022 by Apple Books. Tim’s new book, Work Backwards, explores how anyone can take advantage of a once-in-a-generations opportunity to rethink how and why we work. In this episode you will hear: 00:00:00 Intro00:03:39 Cult Status Businesses00:16:28 Killer Thinking Creativity00:30:42 Tim’s deserted island experience00:34:39 Work Backwards – rethinking how and why we work00:54:13 Tim’s Heartprint Those with ears, let them hear. Always loveRyan  Connect with TimWebsite:https://timduggan.com.au/IG:https://www.instagram.com/tim_duggan/LinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/in/timduggan1/ Connect with Always Better than YesterdayWebsite:https://abty.co.uk/Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/alwaysbetterthanyesterdayuk/ LinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/company/abty/Facebook Community:https://www.facebook.com/groups/weareabty  Join our mail list here for exclusive content here:https://abty.co.uk/contact   Sign up for our coaching here:https://abty.co.uk/coachingThank you to our supporters Exhale Healthy Coffee. Exhale is the first coffee to be sourced, roasted and labtested specifically to maximise its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potency. An independent lab test showed one cup of Exhale coffee has the same antioxidant power as 1.8kg of blueberries or 55 oranges! Get £10 off your first bag when you visithttps://exhalecoffee.com/abty Please email your questions and comments [email protected] #TimDuggan #WorkBackwards #CultStatus

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