Jackson Pollock Ep 5 of 9: European, Schmuropean

ArtHoles - Un pódcast de Michael Anthony


In this art-heavy episode, we'll work through cubism, surrealism, being too old for stuff, and the inner workings of Jackson’s penis.  Lee and Jackson figure out how to do the dating thing, while the French do Frenchie things in New York.  Jackson’s art takes a giant leap, but people aren’t exactly sure what to make of it. So grab your paintbrushes, allow automatism to take over, get that money, and let Howard Putzel give your career a jump-start!  We learn something new about Jackson in this episode and do a bit of dive on Peggy Guggenheim and her...interesting?...taste in men.  Ugh, and more wild west nonsense. But, this time, it’s for a pretty cool result...

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