Splash (1984) : I'm really a nice guy. If I had friends you could ask them.
Disney Odd Pod - Un pódcast de Kat & D

This week...ladies you heard it here first...the secret to instant true love. Step 1 : Be born a mermaid or some other mythological non human Step 2 : Stalk a man in NYC Step 3: Pretend to not speak english Step 4: Be naked Step 5 : Get down Yep that's it! True love step by step. Men are easy. Well everyone's easy here in this 1984 classic film Splash. We have a lot of thoughts about this one and are delighted to discuss John Candy, men's ideal version of love, and the rise of Eugene Levy. All this and more this week on Disney Odd Pod. Apple Podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/disney-odd-pod/id1491692800 Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/3jmOMBfaGon5OR5JYTPq5X Website https://www.disneyoddpod.com/podcast