21: Toni Marinucci - Love Your Body and Heal Disordered Eating

Bio Emotional Healing® Podcast - Un pódcast de Ashleigh Di Lello


This week on the Bio Emotional Healing® podcast, I have another exciting guest Toni Marinucci, the owner of the nutrition coaching business Tips with Toni, host of the Tips with Toni podcast, registered dietician, and author of Once Upon a Diet. Toni has a unique way of looking at dieting and comparing it with how we view dating in order to help people find TRUE FREEDOM from disordered eating. Toni and I chat about how to truly HEAL your relationship with food & find lasting health and happiness in a culture that’s constantly trying to sell us the next big diet fad or trend. We discuss the difference between disordered eating & true eating disorders and how to recognize these signs and symptoms in yourself or others. From the lies diet culture has sold us about losing weight being the key to happiness, to exploring what it means to truly LOVE your body for all that it does FOR you, there’s truly something for everyone in this episode.  [1:50] How Toni’s history of childhood teasing and bullying got her into the health field   [2:45] How Toni started to tie her weight to her worth & the unhealthy habits that came from this belief   [3:41] Why weight loss doesn’t automatically equal living a healthier lifestyle   [4:12] There’s no such thing as a quick fix, because quick doesn’t fix anything   [4:22] How simply sharing her own journey was the starting point to her business blossoming into what it is today   [6:11] Why Toni’s passionate about helping others be more introspective, so that they can be more happy & healthy regardless of their body size or relationship status   [7:25] How to heal your relationship with your body & separate your worth from what other people say    [8:10] You have a CHOICE to believe or NOT to believe what people tell you about yourself or your life   [9:03] Why we often tie our weight to our worth as women due to things like movies, magazines, Disney princesses, etc   [10:03] Remembering that our body is a PART of who we are but it isn’t ALL that we are - we are also smart, kind, generous, etc.   [11:10] Why body issues often stem from other stresses and issues in our life   [11:41] In order to get to a place of loving your body, you need to ACCEPT it and APPRECIATE it FIRST   [13:49] How body issues aren’t just rooted in aesthetics but also how it functions, especially when health issues are involved   [14:38] Why it’s so easy to place blame on our bodies & how to take accountability for how you’ve treated your body   [15:22] Why starting to love your body for simply BEING ALIVE is the first step to loving your body   [16:25] How to starting changing the conversation you have with yourself by being SPECIFIC   [18:45] How we diet like we date - we jump from one “diet” to the next waiting to find “the ONE”   [19:15] Why TRUE health is actually working WITH your biology and with your lifestyle   [20:13] Assessing your healthstyle approach to choose one that’s sustainable long term   [22:55] Why coming out of the Covid pandemic caused a larger rise in unhealthy eating   [24:25] How we have ALL tied emotions to food & how to bring awareness to this reality   [26:09] Why it matters to differentiate disordered eating versus true eating disorders   [26:45] How learning how to listen to your hunger & honor it, while eating balanced meals and not stressing and obsessing over what to eat, will lead to FOOD FREEDOM   [27:47] Why certain cases of eating disorders get missed & why disordered eating and eating disorders need DIFFERENT types of support   [29:07] Examples of disordered eating behaviors & how to recognize these early signs and symptoms in yourself or others   [30:15] Why healing your relationship with food FIRST is key to finding lasting health   [31:45] How we define “diet” matters & how to reclaim the truth of how we eat and HEALING our bodies   [32:53] Why people on a health journey (with food intolerances, restrictions etc.) can get pushed into disordered eating without realizing it   [35:25] Why it matters to LISTEN to your body & ONLY restrict certain inflammatory foods when needed   [37:07] How personality plays a HUGE role in establishing long-term healthy eating habits   [37:20] Why redefining “good” and “bad” foods (or doing away with those labels altogether) & how we think about food matters   [38:45] Instead of focusing on how foods will make you LOOK focus on how foods will make you FEEL   [39:35] There isn’t a ONE SIZE FITS ALL or quick fix approach   [41:10] How healing your relationship with food takes REAL WORK but leads to TRUE FREEDOM in the long run   [42:25] How small tangible changes over time will compound into REAL results - instead of intense efforts in a short time span that can lead to burnout   “You are not what happens to you, you are who you choose to become” -Ashleigh Di Lello   JOIN MY FREE MONTHLY COACHING CALL “Ask Ashleigh” → https://ashleighdilello.com/askashleigh/

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