Toxic things I use to do.

AngandMike - Un pódcast de Angelika Ciullo, Michael Ciullo - Martes


This episode was like a therapy session. Mike and I have done so much self work individually and together as a couple and this was the first time we sat down and really reflected on all the toxic traits we use to have and continue to work on, it was also the first time we really were open and honest to admitting how toxic we were in the past to each other and how far we have come. No one is perfect in this world and we all have certain things we need to work on, the first step is admitting it and the second stop is doing the work. I cant stress enough how important self work is, if we both didn’t think we had anything to work on we wouldn’t be in this position today, there would be no ring on my finger, we would have never found God together or a wedding in a month.. all that would be gone because we were on the path to self sabotage and self destruction. Relationships cant just be off the feeling of love. Relationships and marriages require WORK. It’s a full time job and it’s HARD WORK that both people need to do everyday and thats where real love happens, the real spark and magic. Mike and I have grew so much together and we are stronger than ever because of DAILY SELF WORK. So to everyone who is listening to this episode please stop playing victim, please stop prolonging the self work you need to be doing and start now, it can seem overwhelming because you are going to have to get real with yourself but the rewards are endless, you will live a happy and fulfilled life with yourself, your spouse and everyone around you. It’s truly a blessing. PART 2 of this podcast will be out 03/13/2023

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