What Killed Smarter Child the 2001 Version of ChatGPT with 30M Users?

AI Chat: ChatGPT & AI News, Artificial Intelligence, OpenAI, Machine Learning - Un pódcast de Jaeden Schafer


In this episode, we talk about the story of SmarterChild, a revolutionary AI chatbot from 2001 that boasted 30 million users, exploring its limitations, the technological landscape of the time, and the reasons behind its downfall. We also draw comparisons to its modern equivalent, ChatGPT, probing what we've learned since and how we're applying these lessons to AI development today. Get on the AI Box Waitlist: https://AIBox.ai/ Investor Contact Email: [email protected] Sponsor the Podcast: [email protected] Facebook Community: ⁠https://www.facebook.com/groups/739308654562189/⁠ Discord Community: https://aibox.ai/discord Download Selfpause: https://selfpause.com/Podcast

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