Game of Thrones: How Can They “Stick the Landing” This Season? - Mailbag
On today’s Collider Mailbag (April 21, 2019), John Rocha and Ashley Victoria Robinson answer the following questions from the Collider fans: HEADLINE: Game of Thrones: How Can They “Stick the Landing” This Season? 1. With the return of Game of Thrones if you can have anyone make a cameo who would you chose and as what? 2. What 90s properties should be rebooted as a movie or TV series? 3. What real life person do you want to see get a biopic and who would you cast as that person? 4. What would the finale of GOT have to be to ensure a positive reception and what could the scenario be that would totally alienate the fan base? 5. What is your favorite scene or had the biggest impact on you from a WW2 movie? Follow Rocha: Follow Ashley: