S02 Bonus Episode [Recorded in Mandarin] 來自中國上海卻「入虎穴」台灣的單口喜劇演員 Jamie Wang

Comedy with an Accent - Un pódcast de Kuan-wen Huang - Martes


This is a special episode recorded in Mandarin with our Chinese guest Jamie Wang from last week. For the non-Mandarin-speaking guests, our regular episode in English will be updated next Tuesday April 9th at 7am. (It's the normally bi-weekly schedule so this bonus episode does not come at the expense of regular English episodes!)延續上一集,本節目特別用中文額外錄製一段主持人 Kuan-wen 與來自上海的表演人 Jamie Wang 訪談內容。Jamie 回顧自己如何站上舞台開始表演單口喜劇,又為何偏好透過英文表演。Jamie 也談到語言特性以及就喜劇的節奏和喜感,台灣所用中文與中國所用中文間的區別。另外本集也未通篇針對喜劇討論,Jamie 在聊的過程中分享在台身為陸生/中國學生一點心得、台灣人基於媒體塑造形象對中國人可能偏扁平化的認知。---------------------------------在 IG 上訂閱追蹤本集來賓 Jamie在 IG 上訂閱追蹤主持人 Kuan-wen在 IG 上訂閱追蹤本節目 Comedy with an Accent--------------------------------Podcast intro music by @Taigenkawabe

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