Daf Yomi Bava Kama Daf 84 by R’ Eli Stefansky

Daf Yomi by R’ Eli Stefansky at MDY - Un pódcast de Full Daf Yomi MDY by R’ Eli Stefansky


00:00 - Good Morning 00:15 - Emails 06:34 - MDYsponsor.com 09:05 - Introduction 12:42 - Amud Aleph 39:36 - Amud Beis 49:47 - Have a Wonderful Day Quiz - http://Kahoot.8MinDaf.com -- Today's shiur is sponsored For the unity of Am Yisrael & לע״נ זכריה בן משה לע״נ חיה בת יוסף & Ahron Fraiman: It should be a zechus to R Eli for continued siyadta dishmaya in teaching Torah to Klal Yisroel! & לע״נ כל חיילי צה״ל שנפלו על קידוש השם & in the memory of Binyomin Airley from anonymous in Manchester who joined the shiur at the beginning of Sotah​ & Shprintzy and Avrumie Gross: לע"נ The yahrzeits of our Father's, שלמה זלמן בן יצחק אייזיק ז"ל & בנימין אייזיק בן צבי הירש הכהן ז"ל & Tu B'Shvat, L'Iluy Nishmas Chaim Shmuel ben HaRav Yitzchok Mordechai, Mr. Sidney Gross, on his 25th Yahrtzeit Pre-Depression Orphan... To Decorated WWII Veteran...to Family Patriarch. Together with his wife, תלט׳׳א, he raised generations by example in Torah, Avodah and Gemilas Chasodim, by his Children, Grandchildren and Great Grandchildren who follow MDY & Zahava Goldstein: L'elei Nishmat Moshe Yehoshua Ben Dovid Hakohen & Shalom Rand: Savta rehta yurtzite, ריזל בת דב , ט׳ו בשבט & Yitzchok Freund: לרפואה שלימה נחמה פעריל בת שרה הינדא, Having major surgery & לעילוי נשמת ליבא רחל בת ר’ שרגא פייבל הכהן ע״ה & Yitzchok Yaakov Simkowitz: in memory of my father the day of his 12 yahrzeit Chaim ben Moshe Elimelech --- Turning of the daf: Greg Haber: for the success and the safe return of our chayalim and the hostages and for a zechut for all of Klal Yisroel _________________________________

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