Daf Yomi Bava Metzia Daf 88 by R’ Eli Stefansky

Daf Yomi by R’ Eli Stefansky at MDY - Un pódcast de Full Daf Yomi MDY by R’ Eli Stefansky


00:00 - Good Lag B'omer! 00:00 - Good Morning! 00:15 - Omer.8MinDaf.com 00:35 - Emails 03:56 - MDYsponsor.com 05:16 - Introduction 07:05 - Guests 06:55 - Amud Beis 10:16 - Amud Aleph 23:31 - Amud Beis 50:41 - Have a Wonderful Day! Quiz - http://Kahoot.8MinDaf.com -- Today's shiur is sponsored Anonymous - For the safe and speedy return of all the hostages & לע״נ זכריה בן משה לע״נ חיה בת יוסף & Avi and Rosalie Hauptman, Hillcrest Queens: The wedding of our granddaughter Rachel Berk of Elkana to paratrooper Dan Sonnenblick of Rishon and Riverdale & פרץ חיים לעווין: בזכות התנא אלוקי ר׳ שמעון בר יוחאי And my favorite Daf - פ"ח & Miriam Dombey: In honor of Yehuda Dombey, on the occasion of his birthday. Love, Ima & O'Fishel's Mitzvah Motivators: L'Iluy Nishmas our good friends and patriarchs of their very respected families Aharon Yosef ben Shmuel, Reb Aaron Prero Akiva Ben Avraham, Dr. Clifford Price and of course, Rabi Shimon Bar Yochai -- Turning of the daf: Eric Adelman of Bigger Cup Consulting & Chanie and Paul Schuster: With Hakaras Hatov to Fishel, Simcha and Ner Tamid for bringing R' Eli, MDY and DafYomi into our lives _________________________________

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