Daf Yomi Bava Metzia Daf 91 by R’ Eli Stefansky

Daf Yomi by R’ Eli Stefansky at MDY - Un pódcast de Full Daf Yomi MDY by R’ Eli Stefansky


00:00 - Good Morning 00:14 - Omer.8MinDaf.com 00:26 - Emails 02:41 - MDYsponsor.com 04:14 - Introduction 06:48 - Amud Beis 11:21 - Amud Aleph 31:29 - Amud Beis 52:07 - Have a Wonderful Day Quiz - http://Kahoot.8MinDaf.com -- Today's shiur is sponsored Anonymous - For the safe and speedy return of all the hostages & לע״נ זכריה בן משה לע״נ חיה בת יוסף & May this Daf be in the merit of refuah shelayma for Lana Devorah bas Hadassah Leah of Baltimore. A mother who is in CRITICAL condition after having her 5th child! & רפואה שלימה מרדכי לייב בן רחל & Avrohom Mayer Farkovits: L'ilui Nishmas My Grandfather, R' Dov ben R' Yisroel - R' Dov Farkovits & זכות רפואה שלימה for מרדכי ליב בן רחל & Pinchas Birn: Lezecher Nishmat Mordechai Ben Natan Yechiel Z"L - My Grandfather - Walter Birn & Ari Buckman: lzn Yakove ben Moshe & רפואה שלימה Yael Bas Sarah -- Turning of the daf: Eric Adelman of Bigger Cup Consulting _________________________________

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