Achieving Your Most Ambitious Goals

Daily Boost Motivation and Coaching - Un pódcast de Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching


One of the benefits of living in Florida is the abundance of restaurants and sunny Sunday afternoons with friends. On this Sunday, the server asked what we would like to drink, and my friend started - “I’ll have a Mai Tai and a Diet Coke.” We laughed because we’ve all done it. Heck, I’ve been known to fall face-first into a basket of french fries and chase it with a pitcher of Diet Coke to feel better about my choice. As we settled into a fun afternoon, our inhibition dropped, and every entree order seemed to get bigger, richer, and loaded with more calories than any human needs in a day, much less for lunch. We all agreed that it was okay. We would be starting our diets on Monday. Isn’t that when all diets begin? But, in my case, I told them that I had already decided to begin a 30-day sprint to lose a couple of pounds - starting Monday. All this food is me preparing for a good before picture. There were more smiles and laughs. That’s when Ms. Mai Tai and Diet Coke asked, “Don’t you think it’s better to start slow?” No. I don’t. When you make small changes, you get small results. That’s okay when the overall goal you are seeking is small. But on larger goals, all you are doing is extending the pain of depriving yourself and giving yourself a little pleasure in return. Without the motivation of a big payoff, your mind will eventually choose pleasure over pain, and you’ll be starting over again. The laughs became nods and raised eyebrows. If you want to change, why not do it fast? Skip the scenic route, go all in, and get to your destination as soon as possible. You’ll be glad you did. Get the Daily Boost five days a week at

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