Checking IN is Better Than Checking OUT

Daily Boost Motivation and Coaching - Un pódcast de Scott Smith - Motivation and Coaching


Checking IN is Better Than Checking OUT

My phone rang at 10:18 this morning.

A long-time listener from San Bernardino, California, was calling to check in with me. He said,

"It's in times like these that we need to check in with folks. You're part of my life every day. I wanted to see how you were doing."

I told him I was okay and how much I appreciated his energy boost.

We enjoyed a very neighborly conversion - and we live more 2000 miles apart.

His call reminded me of something I love to do.

Over the years, I've developed a habit of practicing random acts of happiness, especially when somebody is having a hard time. Even better? When they need a surprise.

It could be a cashier working long hours and their feet hurt. Sometimes I buy a cup of coffee for the person behind me in line - and try to escape for I'm busted. My wife gets a random flower that makes no sense at all - but gets a smile.

Random acts of happiness may be difficult for you when you are stuck at home, but I wonder -

Is there a way for you to practice a random act of happiness for someone today?

In the pandemic pause, we're living in, checking IN is far more important than checking OUT.

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