A Dark White-Hat hacker? and various vulns ft. Cisco, Periscope, NordVPN and Tesla/EyeQ
Day[0] - Un pódcast de dayzerosec

Keeping up our streak, we talk about some vulnerabilities in Cisco, NordVPN and Tesla, and about SlickWraps being hacked by a very dark, white-hat.
- [00:02:32] Humble Book Bundle: Cybersecurity 2020 by Wiley
- [00:11:31] Google Summer of Code 2020
- [00:23:01] Critical Issue In ThemeGrill Demo Importer
- [00:28:48] Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco Smart Software Manager On-Prem Static Default Credential Vulnerability
- [00:32:19] nordvpn Linux Desktop executable application does not use pie / no ASLR
- [00:40:57] Race condition (TOCTOU) in NordVPN can result in local privilege escalation
- [00:49:17] Periscope android app deeplink leads to CSRF in follow action
- [00:54:01] I hacked SlickWraps. This is how. - Lynx0x00 - Medium
- [01:10:23] Model Hacking ADAS to Pave Safer Roads for Autonomous Vehicles
- [01:18:31] Edge CVE-2020-0767 RCE POC
- [01:22:02] GadgetProbe: Exploiting Deserialization to Brute-Force the Remote Classpath
- [01:28:37] CopyCat: Controlled Instruction-Level Attacks on Enclaves for Maximal Key Extraction
- [01:37:31] MEUZZ: Smart Seed Scheduling for Hybrid Fuzzing
- [01:49:36] pwn.college BETA
- [01:53:17] Microcontroller Readback Protection: Bypasses and Defenses
- [01:54:00] Libxml2 Tutorial | AFLplusplus
- [01:56:06] Booting iOS on QEMU Research Slides
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