Intel has done it again, ft. Zombies, Cats, and Windows exploits
Day[0] - Un p贸dcast de dayzerosec

Watch the DAY[0] podcast live on Twitch every Monday afternoon at 12:00pm PST (3:00pm EST) --
[00:01:55] Frida 12.5 Released
[00:08:17] Damn Vulnerable Crypto Wallet
[00:16:40] Thangry Cat: https://馃樉馃樉馃樉.fm/
[00:23:11] Micro-Architectural Data Sampling Attacks
[00:56:24] Update to Security Incident [May 17, 2019] - Stack Overflow Blog
[01:04:00] Global Takedown Shows the Anatomy of a Modern Cybercriminal Supply Chain
[01:15:12] How Hackers Broke WhatsApp With Just a Phone Call
[01:26:53] Over 25,000 Linksys Smart Wi-Fi Routers Vulnerable to Sensitive Information Disclosure
[01:34:01] Prevent a worm by updating Remote Desktop Services (CVE-2019-0708)