Inside an Arizona Acting Internship

Dearing Acting Studio Podcast - Un pódcast de dearingstudio


Inside an Arizona Acting Internship

Welcome back to the Dearing Acting Studio podcast! On this episode we have Shadow Mountain High School senior, Keegan Sinur. Keegan came into the studio to apply for an internship to get school credit hours and learn more about the acting industry. On this episode, we take a quick glance at what it's like to have an Arizona Acting Internship!

Keegans Backstory

Most of you know our studio producer, and director of media Joey Sweeney. Well, funny story, when Joey moved to Phoenix and transferred to Shadow Mountain, he met Keegan in the drama department and they quickly became close friends. They did multiple shows together including The Addams Family and Rock of Ages, but even after Joey graduated they kept in contact. When Joey heard Keegan was coming in he was ecstatic!

Expectation vs. Reality

Keegan came in expecting this internship to be the typical one we've all heard of. You come in, get the hours, and then it's all over and you forget about it. He was surprised to find that was NOT the case. Keegan says the job exceeded his expectations because he's learning and having a ton of fun! He was super nervous after the tough interview but was ready to take the opportunity and show he had what it takes.

Valuable Lessons

In just this ten minute podcast, Keegan and Matt reflect on the lessons he's learned so far and add a couple onto the list live. Matt believes in the "wax on, wax off" method for our staff. We've all been through it and Keegan was no different. He preaches it's the people that love you the most in life that are willing to critique you. The lesson we uncovered right here in this episode was the difference between saying "I have to" or "I get to". Saying, "I get to" is a positive way to frame a task. You can look at anything with a mindset of I get to, and realize everything you are blessed with. We're so excited to have Keegan in the Dearing Acting Studio fam! 

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