“It’s OK to kill and eat animals - but don’t get caught slapping one.” by Denis
EA Forum Podcast (All audio) - Un pódcast de EA Forum Team

Very short post. This is not my area of expertise at all. But it seems like an opportunity. The Olympics start this week. In the UK, the biggest Olympic story is not about any runner or swimmer or gymnast. It is about animal rights. But, as with most animal-rights stories which make the front-pages (bull-fighting, hunting), it misses the real problem, factory-farming. The story: Apparently a famous Olympian equestrian has been forced to withdraw from the Olympics after footage emerged of her whipping a horse during training, 4 years ago. Cue the standard apologies, the "error of judgment" comment, the universal condemnation - and of course the video is shared with a warning that people might find this shocking. I think it would be wonderful if someone with the right moral stature (which is not me, I'm not even a vegan ...) were to [...] --- First published: July 24th, 2024 Source: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/KzZ9Qt4RTyJeb4s85/it-s-ok-to-kill-and-eat-animals-but-don-t-get-caught --- Narrated by TYPE III AUDIO.