How Your To-Do Lists Are Killing You, Reaction Kills Creativity, Listener Questions & More!
Podcasts Archives - Extreme Health Radio - Un pódcast de Justin Stellman

[include file=get-in-itunes.html]Talk about a fun show we did today! We had no interview scheduled for today because Kate was on her silent retreat high in the hills above Los Angeles so I decided to do a Free For All Wednesday show. At the beginning of the show I talked about how our culture is so focused on doing things and accomplishing things. I talked about how our "to do" lists are really damaging to us how the stress caused from them is affecting our health. I'm not a fan of to do lists and placing more importance on doing vs being as you can probably tell by listening to this latest episode. I also talked a little bit about reaction and how reaction kills creativity. If you think about reaction, you're re-acting something that happened in the past. Most of how we operate in the world has to do with reaction. Most media wants us to re-act. But what are we re-acting? We're not re-acting what they're feeding us are we? No. We're reacting the "story" we've told ourselves about how we respond to specific situations. So if I have a situation that is designed to get a reaction in me, then the media will play off that and will feed me images and sounds in order to illicit an emotional re-action. How can you be creative and respond to any situation if you're living a pre-programmed story you created for certain situations? We also took some listener questions and Kate called in from the road on her way back from her silent retreat to talk about her experiences being away for 3 days. Sorry I didn't write a whole lot of show notes in this blog post that is accompanying this show! I hope you enjoy this show. Please pass it on if you do! :) Other items mentioned: * Gut Sense * Fiber Menace * Brian Peskin show * Mary Newport show * * G Edward Griffin Show * Vitamin B17 * Rod Czolonika 172 * Victor Zeines * Dr. Jack Kruse show * The Leptin Protocol * The Cold Thermogenesis Protocol * Episode 178 * Women To Women * Dr. Mark Starr * Qigong Interviews *