Episode 209 Waylynn Lucas
Fieldcraft Survival - Un pódcast de FieldCraft Survival

George talks with Waylynn Lucas and discover her unique start into the world of culinary arts, some Food Network fun and what she's up to now! AFFILIATES: Triarc Systems:http://www.triarcsystems.com (Code: fieldcraft for 5% off) KC Hilites:https://www.kchilites.com (Code: Fieldcraft for 10% off) Kill Cliff:http://www.killcliff.com (Code: Survival10 for 10% off) Personal Defense Network:Go.PersonalDefenseNetwork.com/Survival (Code: for $3 first year membership) Haven Tents:fieldcraftsurvival.com/haventents (Code: FIELDCRAFT for $20 off bundle) Hard Head Veterans:https://www.hardheadveterans.com/ (Code: fieldcraft for $15 off) Uncana:https://uncanna.com (Code: fieldcraft for 10% off) TYR Tactical:http://www.tyrtactical.com (Code: fieldcraft for 15% off) Dometic:https://shop.dometic.com/ (Code: fieldcraft for free shipping) Tembo Tusk:https://tembotusk.com/ (Code: fieldcraftsurvival for 5% off) FOLLOW US: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcj3FycZBXIPNj7QIBKTIDw https://fieldcraftsurvival.com/ http://www.instagram.com/fieldcraftsurvival