A Beautiful Moment in Oslo

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - Un pódcast de FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: A Beautiful Moment in Oslo Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/a-beautiful-moment-in-oslo Story Transcript:Nb: Lars var en ung mann som bodde i Oslo.En: Lars was a young man who lived in Oslo.Nb: En dag skulle han møte noen venner på kafé.En: One day he was supposed to meet some friends in a cafe.Nb: Lars var veldig spent fordi han skulle møte sin crush.En: Lars was very excited because he was going to meet his crush.Nb: Han hadde tenkt på henne hele uken.En: He had been thinking about her all week.Nb: Han hadde til og med øvet seg på hva han skulle si til henne når han så henne.En: He had even practiced what to say to her when he saw her.Nb: Da han kom fram til kafeen, så han henne stå der på andre siden av glassdøren.En: When he arrived at the cafe, he saw her standing there on the other side of the glass door.Nb: Lars ble så nervøs at han ikke så hvor han gikk og plutselig kom han borti døren.En: Lars got so nervous that he didn't see where he was going and suddenly he came across the door.Nb: Kaffen han hadde i hånden, dalte ned på klærne hans.En: The coffee in his hand dripped onto his clothes.Nb: Han hørte et fnis og da han kikket opp så han henne le.En: He heard a giggle and when he looked up he saw her laughing.Nb: Lars forsøkte å redde situasjonen ved å si: "Jeg er ikke vant til å se så vakre jenter."En: Lars tried to save the situation by saying: "I'm not used to seeing such beautiful girls."Nb: Hun smilte til ham og Lars følte seg litt bedre.En: She smiled at him and Lars felt a little better.Nb: De snakket sammen lenge på kafeen.En: They talked for a long time in the cafe.Nb: Han fortalte henne om alt han likte ved Oslo og hvordan han likte å gå på lange turer i skogen.En: He told her about everything he liked about Oslo and how he liked to go on long walks in the forest.Nb: Hun fortalte ham at hun likte å male og svømme i sjøen.En: She told him she liked to paint and swim in the lake.Nb: De hadde så mye til felles.En: They had so much in common.Nb: De fortsatte å møte hverandre og tilbrakte flere netter sammen.En: They continued to see each other and spent several nights together.Nb: Han lærte henne å sykle og hun lærte ham å male.En: He taught her to ride a bicycle and she taught him to paint.Nb: De hadde det veldig gøy sammen.En: They had a lot of fun together.Nb: Men en dag måtte hun flytte bort fra Oslo, og Lars ble veldig lei seg.En: But one day she had to move away from Oslo, and Lars was very upset.Nb: De lovet å holde kontakten og han sa farvel til henne på flyplassen.En: They promised to keep in touch and he said goodbye to her at the airport.Nb: Lars gikk hjem alene, men han følte seg fortsatt glad fordi han hadde møtt henne.En: Lars went home alone, but he still felt happy because he had met her.Nb: De hadde kanskje ikke hatt så mye tid sammen, men han var glad for at han hadde møtt denne vakre jenta.En: They might not have had much time together, but he was glad that he had met this beautiful girl.Nb: Han visste at uansett hvor han var i verden, ville han alltid ha minnene om henne og dette øyeblikket i Oslo.En: He knew that wherever he was in the world, he would always have the memories of her and this moment in Oslo. Vocabulary Words:Lars: Larsyoung man: ung mannOslo: Oslomeet: møtecafe:...

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