A Memorable Ski Trip: Discovering Nature's Beauty

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - Un pódcast de FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: A Memorable Ski Trip: Discovering Nature's Beauty Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/a-memorable-ski-trip-discovering-natures-beauty Story Transcript:Nb: Det var vinter i fjellet, og Lars, Ingrid og Kristoffer skulle på skitur sammen.En: It was winter in the mountains, and Lars, Ingrid and Kristoffer were going on a ski trip together.Nb: De pakket sekkene sine med mat og drikke før de begynte på turen oppover fjellet.En: They packed their bags with food and drink before starting the trip up the mountain.Nb: Da de hadde vært på ski en stund, falt Lars i en snøbanke ved et uhell.En: When they had been skiing for a while, Lars accidentally fell into a snow bank.Nb: Ingrid og Kristoffer kunne ikke la være å erte ham for å falle, og de begynte å tulle med ham.En: Ingrid and Kristoffer couldn't help teasing him about falling, and they started joking with him.Nb: "Du kan ikke bli en ekte nordmann før du tar en dukkert i snøen", sa Ingrid lattermildt.En: "You can't become a real Norwegian until you take a dip in the snow", said Ingrid with a gentle laugh.Nb: Lars var litt irritert, men han skjønte at det var en god spøk.En: Lars was a little annoyed, but he understood that it was a good joke.Nb: Han bestemte seg for å spille med og tok en dukkert i snøen.En: He decided to play along and took a dip in the snow.Nb: Ingrid og Kristoffer lo og lo, og det ble en morsom pause i skituren.En: Ingrid and Kristoffer laughed and laughed, and there was a fun break in the ski trip.Nb: De fortsatte på skituren og nøt den vakre naturen rundt dem.En: They continued on their ski trip and enjoyed the beautiful nature around them.Nb: De så på trærne og fjellene og følte fred i sjelen.En: They looked at the trees and the mountains and felt peace in their souls.Nb: Etter en stund kom de til en hytte på fjellet.En: After a while they came to a cabin in the mountains.Nb: De gikk inn i hytta og tente en peis.En: They went into the cabin and lit a fire.Nb: De var glade for å ha funnet ly fra kulden.En: They were glad to have found shelter from the cold.Nb: De laget varm sjokolade og spiste litt mat.En: They made hot chocolate and ate some food.Nb: De snakket og lo, og det var en perfekt kveld.En: They talked and laughed and it was a perfect evening.Nb: Mens de så ut vinduet, så de et fantastisk nordlys på himmelen.En: As they looked out the window, they saw a wonderful aurora in the sky.Nb: Det var blått, grønt og lilla, og det var en av de vakreste tingene de noen gang hadde sett.En: It was blue, green and purple, and it was one of the most beautiful things they had ever seen.Nb: De kunne ikke tro på at de hadde fått oppleve dette sammen.En: They couldn't believe that they had been able to experience this together.Nb: De var takknemlige for hverandre og for å få oppleve naturens skjønnhet.En: They were grateful for each other and for experiencing the beauty of nature.Nb: Lars var glad for at han hadde falt i snøen og gjort vennene sine så glade.En: Lars was happy that he had fallen in the snow and made his friends so happy.Nb: Til slutt, da kvelden var over, sovnet de alle tre med et smil om munnen.En: Finally, when the evening was over, all three fell asleep with smiles on their faces.Nb: De hadde hatt en fantastisk dag i fjellet, og det var en minneverdig tur de aldri ville glemme.En: They had had a wonderful day in the...

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