A Salty Surprise: Nora & Lars' Chocolate Mousse Fiasco

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - Un pódcast de FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: A Salty Surprise: Nora & Lars' Chocolate Mousse Fiasco Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/a-salty-surprise-nora-lars-chocolate-mousse-fiasco Story Transcript:Nb: En solfylt ettermiddag i den lille bygda Bodø, inviterte Nora sin beste venninne Ingrid på middag.En: One sunny afternoon in the small village of Bodø, Nora invited her best friend Ingrid to dinner.Nb: Nora var kjent for sin gode matlaging, og hun ønsket å imponere Ingrid med sin hemmelige oppskrift på sjokolademousse.En: Nora was known for her good cooking, and she wanted to impress Ingrid with her secret recipe for chocolate mousse.Nb: Mens Nora kokte og trippet rundt på kjøkkenet, la hun merke til at mannen hennes, Lars, var litt urolig.En: While Nora was cooking and tripping around the kitchen, she noticed that her husband, Lars, was a little restless.Nb: Han hadde ansvaret for å lage desserten denne kvelden, og det virket som om han var litt nervøs.En: He was in charge of making the dessert this evening and it seemed like he was a little nervous.Nb: "Kjære, er du sikker på at du klarer det?"En: "Honey, are you sure you can do it?"Nb: hvisket Nora bekymret til Lars.En: Nora whispered worriedly to Lars.Nb: "Selvfølgelig, kjære.En: "Of course, dear.Nb: Jeg har fulgt oppskriften nøye," svarte Lars og klappet på Nora sin rygg for å vise trygghet.En: I have followed the recipe carefully," replied Lars, patting Nora's back to show reassurance.Nb: Tiden gikk, og gjestene ankom.En: Time passed, and the guests arrived.Nb: Ingrid ble ønsket velkommen inn i den vakre og tradisjonelle norske husholdningen.En: Ingrid was welcomed into the beautiful and traditional Norwegian household.Nb: "Mmm, det lukter fantastisk her!"En: "Mmm, it smells amazing in here!"Nb: sa Ingrid og strakte seg etter en duft av deilige retter.En: Ingrid said, reaching for a scent of delicious dishes.Nb: "Vent til du smaker desserten, den er helt spesiell," sa Nora og kikket bort på Lars med et smil.En: "Wait until you taste the dessert, it's really special," said Nora, glancing over at Lars with a smile.Nb: Middagen ble servert, og alle nøt de deilige smakene.En: Dinner was served, and everyone enjoyed the delicious flavors.Nb: Men da tiden kom for desserten, kunne ingen av dem forutse hva som skulle skje.En: But when it came time for dessert, neither of them could have predicted what would happen.Nb: Lars tok opp en boks med et lurt smil og begynte å helle innholdet i en skål.En: Lars picked up a box with a sly smile and began to pour the contents into a bowl.Nb: Ingrid og Nora så forventningsfullt på, klar for å bli overrasket av Lars' talent på kjøkkenet.En: Ingrid and Nora watched expectantly, ready to be surprised by Lars' talent in the kitchen.Nb: Lars merket at noe var galt da han så det hvite pulveret helle ned i skålen.En: Lars noticed that something was wrong when he saw the white powder pouring into the bowl.Nb: Han fikk panikk og innså at han ved et uhell hadde tatt feil boks.En: He panicked and realized he had accidentally taken the wrong box.Nb: Istedenfor sukker, hadde han tatt opp saltet fra skapet.En: Instead of sugar, he had taken the salt from the cupboard.Nb: Han prøvde desperat å redde situasjonen ved å blande det sammen i håp om at det ikke skulle smake for ille.En: He desperately tried to save the situation by mixing it up hoping it wouldn't taste too...

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