A Winter Wonderland: Lars' Epic Ski Day

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - Un pódcast de FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: A Winter Wonderland: Lars' Epic Ski Day Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/a-winter-wonderland-lars-epic-ski-day Story Transcript:Nb: Det var en solrik vinterdag i Oslo, og Lars og Ingrid bestemte seg for å gå på ski i parken.En: It was a sunny winter's day in Oslo, and Lars and Ingrid decided to go skiing in the park.Nb: De var glade og spent, og hadde planer om å ha det moro sammen.En: They were happy and excited, and had plans to have fun together.Nb: Lars hadde nettopp kjøpt et nytt par ski og var ivrig etter å prøve dem ut.En: Lars had just bought a new pair of skis and was eager to try them out.Nb: Ingrid, på sin side, hadde på seg varme klær og var klar for litt eventyr i snøen.En: Ingrid, on the other hand, was wearing warm clothes and was ready for some adventure in the snow.Nb: De begynte å gli nedover bakkene i parken, leende og ropende av glede.En: They began to slide down the slopes of the park, laughing and shouting with joy.Nb: Snøen gnistret under skiene deres, og det var en perfekt dag for utendørsaktiviteter.En: The snow sparkled under their skis and it was a perfect day for outdoor activities.Nb: Plutselig mistet Lars balansen og kræsjet inn i en stor snømann som sto rett foran ham.En: Suddenly Lars lost his balance and crashed into a large snowman standing right in front of him.Nb: Snøen sprutet og snømannen falt sammen, og Lars ramlet bakover i snøen.En: The snow splashed and the snowman collapsed, and Lars fell backwards into the snow.Nb: Ingrid brast ut i latter og kunne ikke tro hva som nettopp hadde skjedd.En: Ingrid burst out laughing and couldn't believe what had just happened.Nb: Mens de lå der og lo, hørte de en stemme bak seg.En: As they lay there laughing, they heard a voice behind them.Nb: Det var Magnus, deres gode venn, som hadde sett hele episoden.En: It was Magnus, their good friend, who had seen the whole episode.Nb: Han hadde tatt et bilde av Lars som kræsjet inn i snømannen, og lo så hardt at tårene sprutet.En: He had taken a picture of Lars crashing into the snowman, and laughed so hard that tears sprang.Nb: Magnus viste dem bildet og de skjønte hvor morsomt øyeblikket egentlig var.En: Magnus showed them the picture and they realized how funny the moment really was.Nb: Lars og Ingrid lo enda mer, og det ble et minne de aldri skulle glemme.En: Lars and Ingrid laughed even more, and it became a memory they would never forget.Nb: Etterpå fortsatte de å gå på ski sammen, og selv om det var flere små uhell underveis, hadde de det fantastisk.En: Afterwards, they continued skiing together, and although there were several minor mishaps along the way, they had a wonderful time.Nb: De utforsket parken, hoppet over små bakker og lekte i snøen.En: They explored the park, jumped over small hills and played in the snow.Nb: Til slutt, da solen begynte å gå ned, innså Lars og Ingrid at de hadde hatt en helt perfekt dag sammen.En: Finally, as the sun began to set, Lars and Ingrid realized that they had had an absolutely perfect day together.Nb: Selv om Lars hadde kræsjet inn i snømannen, hadde det bare gjort dagen enda morsommere.En: Even if Lars had crashed into the snowman, it would have only made the day even more fun.Nb: De takket Magnus for bildet og lovet å lage en kollasj med alle bildene fra dagen.En: They thanked Magnus for the photo and promised to make a collage with all the photos from the day.Nb: De visste at...

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