Braving the Unexpected: How One Pair of Slippers Sparked a Revolution

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - Un pódcast de


Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Braving the Unexpected: How One Pair of Slippers Sparked a Revolution Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Nb: Lars bor i Oslo.En: Lars lives in Oslo.Nb: Han har tøfler.En: He has slippers.Nb: Han liker dem veldig.En: He likes them a lot.Nb: De er myke og varme.En: They are soft and warm.Nb: Ingrid bor også i Oslo.En: Ingrid also lives in Oslo.Nb: Hun er Lars sin venn.En: She is Lars's friend.Nb: Men hun liker ikke tøflerne hans.En: But she does not like his slippers.Nb: En dag var det et formelt arrangement.En: One day there was a formal event.Nb: Lars skulle dit.En: Lars was supposed to go there.Nb: Han var hindret i tankene.En: He was preoccupied in his thoughts.Nb: Han tenkte på hva han skulle si og gjøre.En: He was thinking about what to say and do.Nb: Han var nervøs.En: He was nervous.Nb: Plutselig merket han at han hadde tatt på seg tøflerne.En: Suddenly he realized that he had put on his slippers.Nb: Men det var for sent.En: But it was too late.Nb: Han var allerede der.En: He was already there.Nb: Alle så på Lars.En: Everyone looked at Lars.Nb: De så ned på hans føtter.En: They looked down at his feet.Nb: De lo av hans tøfler.En: They laughed at his slippers.Nb: Lars ble rød i kinnene.En: Lars blushed.Nb: Han visste at han hadde gjort en feil.En: He knew he had made a mistake.Nb: Han ville gå hjem.En: He wanted to go home.Nb: Men Ingrid stoppet ham.En: But Ingrid stopped him.Nb: Hun tok hånden hans.En: She took his hand.Nb: Hun sa, "Det er greit, Lars.En: She said, "It's okay, Lars.Nb: Du er modig.En: You are brave."Nb: "Lars så på Ingrid.En: Lars looked at Ingrid.Nb: Han smilte.En: He smiled.Nb: Han var fortsatt flau.En: He was still embarrassed.Nb: Men han visste at det ville gå bra.En: But he knew it would be okay.Nb: Han gikk inn på arrangementet.En: He went into the event.Nb: Han snakket med folk.En: He talked to people.Nb: Han var fortsatt nervøs.En: He was still nervous.Nb: Men han husket hva Ingrid sa.En: But he remembered what Ingrid said.Nb: Mens Lars gikk rundt, merket han noe.En: As Lars walked around, he noticed something.Nb: Folk begynte å smile.En: People started to smile.Nb: De lo ikke av ham.En: They didn't laugh at him.Nb: De så på ham og smilte.En: They looked at him and smiled.Nb: De sa, "Lars, tøflene dine er kule!En: They said, "Lars, your slippers are cool!"Nb: " Lars ble overrasket.En: Lars was surprised.Nb: Han hadde ikke forventet det.En: He hadn't expected that.Nb: Etter arrangementet, snakket Lars med Ingrid.En: After the event, Lars talked to Ingrid.Nb: Han takket henne.En: He thanked her.Nb: Han fortalte henne at han hadde hatt det gøy.En: He told her he had had fun.Nb: Han fortalte henne at folk likte tøflene hans.En: He told her that people liked his slippers.Nb: Ingrid smilte.En: Ingrid smiled.Nb: Hun var glad for Lars.En: She...

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