Coffee Adventures in Bergen: A Friendship Renewed

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - Un pódcast de


Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Coffee Adventures in Bergen: A Friendship Renewed Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Nb: Lars og Ingrid gikk langs de brosteinsbelagte gatene i Bergen.En: Lars and Ingrid walked along the cobbled streets in Bergen.Nb: Solen skinte, og de dro på kafé for å nyte en kopp kaffe.En: The sun was shining, and they went to a cafe to enjoy a cup of coffee.Nb: Kaféen var koselig, med varme farger og myke stoler.En: The cafe was cosy, with warm colors and soft chairs.Nb: Lars bestilte seg en svart kaffe, mens Ingrid valgte en kopp cappuccino.En: Lars ordered a black coffee, while Ingrid chose a cup of cappuccino.Nb: De satt ved et lite bord og snakket om alt mulig.En: They sat at a small table and talked about everything.Nb: Det var akkurat det de trengte - en avslappende og hyggelig stund sammen.En: It was exactly what they needed - a relaxing and enjoyable time together.Nb: Plutselig hørte de latter i nærheten.En: Suddenly they heard laughter nearby.Nb: De så seg rundt og oppdaget at det var Sofie, venninnen deres, som hadde kommet inn på kaféen.En: They looked around and discovered that it was Sofie, their friend, who had entered the cafe.Nb: Sofie hadde alltid vært klumsete, og det var tydelig at denne dagen var intet unntak.En: Sofie had always been clumsy, and it was clear that this day was no exception.Nb: Mens Sofie skulle til å sette seg ved bordet sammen med Lars og Ingrid, mistet hun grepet om koppen og sølte varm kaffe på seg selv.En: While Sofie was about to sit down at the table with Lars and Ingrid, she lost her grip on the cup and spilled hot coffee on herself.Nb: Hun skrek til og alle i kaféen snudde seg brått mot henne.En: She screamed and everyone in the cafe suddenly turned towards her.Nb: Lars, Ingrid og Sofie brast ut i latter.En: Lars, Ingrid and Sofie burst out laughing.Nb: "Bare du, Sofie!"En: "Only you, Sophie!"Nb: utbrøt Lars mellom latterkramper.En: Lars exclaimed between fits of laughter.Nb: Alle tullet med at Sofie bare prøvde å varme seg i det kalde norske været.En: Everyone joked that Sofie was just trying to warm herself in the cold Norwegian weather.Nb: Etter at de hadde roet seg ned, bestemte de seg for å dra ut for å finne en butikk hvor Sofie kunne kjøpe en ny bluse.En: After they had calmed down, they decided to go out to find a shop where Sofie could buy a new blouse.Nb: De tuslet langs kaien, og prøvde å finne en butikk i nærheten.En: They wandered along the quay, trying to find a shop nearby.Nb: Endelig fant de en butikk med fine klær.En: Finally they found a shop with nice clothes.Nb: Sofie valgte en rød bluse, og de gikk til kassen for å betale.En: Sofie chose a red blouse, and they went to the till to pay.Nb: Plutselig hørte de en kjent stemme bak seg.En: Suddenly they heard a familiar voice behind them.Nb: Det var butikkeieren, som hadde gått på skole med Lars og Ingrid.En: It was the shop owner, who had gone to school with Lars and Ingrid.Nb: Butikkeieren ga dem en spesiell pris på blusen som takk for gammelt vennskap.En: The shop owner gave them a special price for the blouse as a thank you for old friendship.Nb: Sofie var takknemlig og betalte med glede.En: Sofie was grateful and gladly paid.Nb: Så gikk de tilbake til kaféen for å avslutte kaffestunden.En:...

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