Coffee, Laughter, and Self-Discovery: A Tale of Friendship

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - Un pódcast de


Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Coffee, Laughter, and Self-Discovery: A Tale of Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Nb: Kristian løp omkring i kaffe baren.En: Kristian ran around in the coffee bar.Nb: En trendy plass i byen - Oslo.En: A trendy place in the city - Oslo.Nb: Det var jobben hans.En: It was his job.Nb: Ingrid satt i et hjørne.En: Ingrid sat in a corner.Nb: Hun ventet på Lars.En: She was waiting for Lars.Nb: Han var hennes venn.En: He was her friend.Nb: Lars gikk inn døren.En: Lars walked in through the door.Nb: Han smilte til Ingrid.En: He smiled at Ingrid.Nb: Kristian ble stille.En: Kristian became quiet.Nb: Han så på Lars.En: He looked at Lars.Nb: Lars gikk til Ingrid.En: Lars went over to Ingrid.Nb: Han hadde på seg sin beste skjorte.En: He was wearing his best shirt.Nb: Lars bestilte en kaffe.En: Lars ordered a coffee.Nb: Han ville imponere Ingrid.En: He wanted to impress Ingrid.Nb: Han fikk kaffen fra Kristian.En: He got the coffee from Kristian.Nb: Han holdt koppen i hånden.En: He held the cup in his hand.Nb: Han snakket til Ingrid.En: He spoke to Ingrid.Nb: Lars ville vise seg fram.En: Lars wanted to show off.Nb: Han gestikulerte med kaffekoppen.En: He gestured with the coffee cup.Nb: Han snakket om fotball.En: He talked about football.Nb: Ingrid likte ikke fotball.En: Ingrid didn't like football.Nb: Men hun smilte til Lars.En: But she smiled at Lars.Nb: Plutselig skjedde det noe.En: Suddenly something happened.Nb: Lars ristet for hardt på hånden.En: Lars shook his hand too hard.Nb: Kaffen sølte.En: The coffee spilled.Nb: På hans skjorte.En: On his shirt.Nb: På Ingrid sitt bord.En: On Ingrid's table.Nb: Og på gulvet.En: And on the floor.Nb: Lars ble rød i ansiktet.En: Lars turned red in the face.Nb: Ingrid ble overrasket.En: Ingrid was surprised.Nb: Hun lo litt.En: She laughed a little.Nb: Hun likte ikke Lars den måten.En: She didn't like Lars in that way.Nb: Men hun likte at han var ærlig.En: But she liked that he was honest.Nb: Kristian så på Lars.En: Kristian looked at Lars.Nb: Lars så på Kristian.En: Lars looked at Kristian.Nb: Kristian tok fram en klut.En: Kristian took out a cloth.Nb: Han ga den til Lars.En: He gave it to Lars.Nb: Lars tørket opp kaffen.En: Lars wiped up the coffee.Nb: Han måtte kjøpe en ny skjorte.En: He had to buy a new shirt.Nb: Men han lo.En: But he laughed.Nb: Ingrid lo også.En: Ingrid laughed too.Nb: De drakk mer kaffe.En: They drank more coffee.Nb: De snakket om andre ting.En: They talked about other things.Nb: Ikke bare fotball.En: Not just football.Nb: Kristian ryddet opp.En: Kristian cleaned up.Nb: Han smilte til Ingrid.En: He smiled at Ingrid.Nb: Ingrid smilte tilbake.En: Ingrid smiled back.Nb: Lars merket det.En: Lars noticed it.Nb: Kristian merket det.En: Kristian noticed it.Nb: Lars forsto hva...

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