Dancing with a Zombie Ballerina

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - Un pódcast de FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Dancing with a Zombie Ballerina Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/dancing-with-a-zombie-ballerina Story Transcript:Nb: På den gamle teateret var det stille og mørkt.En: In the old theater it was quiet and dark.Nb: Lars, Ingrid og Erik var de eneste som var der på lenge.En: Lars, Ingrid and Erik were the only ones who were there for a long time.Nb: Plutselig hørte de en rar lyd.En: Suddenly they heard a strange sound.Nb: Det var en skrapende lyd som kom fra bak scenen.En: There was a scraping sound coming from behind the stage.Nb: Lars gikk for å sjekke hva det var, og der så han en grav.En: Lars went to check what it was, and there he saw a grave.Nb: Han visste ikke om den var der før, men han bestemte seg for å se hva som lå inni den.En: He didn't know if it was there before, but he decided to see what was inside it.Nb: Da han åpnet graven så han en zombieballerina!En: When he opened the tomb he saw a zombie ballerina!Nb: Hun reiste seg sakte og begynte å danse.En: She slowly stood up and began to dance.Nb: Publikum ble forskrekket.En: The audience was horrified.Nb: De visste ikke om de skulle skrike eller juble.En: They didn't know whether to scream or cheer.Nb: Ingrid og Erik prøvde å finne ut hvordan de kunne redde situasjonen.En: Ingrid and Erik tried to find out how they could save the situation.Nb: De tenkte på å rope på politiet, men de visste ikke hvordan de skulle forklare en dansende zombieballerina.En: They thought about calling the police, but they didn't know how to explain a dancing zombie ballerina.Nb: Så kom de på en idé.En: Then they came up with an idea.Nb: De bestemte seg for å spille musikk og danse sammen med zombieballerinaen.En: They decided to play music and dance with the zombie ballerina.Nb: Kanskje det kunne få henne tilbake i graven igjen.En: Maybe that could put her back in the grave again.Nb: De fant noen instrumenter og begynte å spille musikk.En: They found some instruments and started playing music.Nb: Zombieballerinaen begynte å danse mot musikken.En: The zombie ballerina began to dance to the music.Nb: Lars, Ingrid og Erik danset med henne, og det var en fantastisk opplevelse.En: Lars, Ingrid and Erik danced with her, and it was a wonderful experience.Nb: Men etter en stund ble zombieballerinaen sliten.En: But after a while the zombie ballerina got tired.Nb: Hun gikk tilbake til graven sin og la seg ned.En: She went back to her grave and lay down.Nb: Lars, Ingrid og Erik ble lettet.En: Lars, Ingrid and Erik were relieved.Nb: De hadde reddet dagen!En: They had saved the day!Nb: Fra nå av ville de alltid huske den skumle natten på teateret da de danset med en zombieballerina.En: From now on, they would always remember that scary night at the theater when they danced with a zombie ballerina. Vocabulary Words:theater: teaterquiet: stilledark: mørktLars: LarsIngrid: IngridErik: Erikstrange: rarsound: lydscraping: skrapendestage: scenegrave: gravtomb: gravzombie ballerina: zombieballerinaslowly: saktedance: danseaudience: publikumhorrified: forskrekketscream: skrikecheer: jublepolice: politietexplain: forklareidea:...

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