Devious Chocolate Trickery: Kari, Lars & Ingrid

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - Un pódcast de


![CDATA[ Fluent Fiction - QQQQ: Devious Chocolate Trickery: Kari, Lars & IngridStory Transcript:Nb: Det var 1. april, og Kari og Lars bestemte seg for å gå på en tur i Oslo sentrum.En: It was 1 April, and Kari and Lars decided to go for a walk in the center of Oslo.Nb: Kari hadde en luring på lur, og Lars visste ingenting om det.En: Kari had a swindler lurking about, and Lars knew nothing about it.Nb: Mens de gikk, så Kari en sjokoladebutikk og sa til Lars: 'Hørte du ikke at det er gratis vareprøver på sjokolade i dag?'En: As they walked, Kari saw a chocolate shop and said to Lars, 'Didn't you hear there are free chocolate samples today?'Nb: Lars, som elsket sjokolade, ble veldig glad og de gikk inn.En: Lars, who loved chocolate, was very happy and they went inside.Nb: De så sjokoladeprøver satt ut i hele butikken.En: They saw chocolate samples displayed throughout the store.Nb: Kari og Lars prøvde forskjellige smaker, og Lars var overlykkelig.En: Kari and Lars tried different flavors, and Lars was overjoyed.Nb: Men da de skulle forlate butikken, ble de stoppet av en sint butikkeier – det viste seg at det ikke var noen gratis vareprøver.En: But as they were about to leave the store, they were stopped by an angry shopkeeper – it turned out there were no free samples.Nb: Kari hadde lurt Lars til å tro det.En: Kari had tricked Lars into believing that.Nb: Lars var sint og skuffet over Kari, men så så han at Ingrid sto bak butikken og lo.En: Lars was angry and disappointed with Kari, but then he saw that Ingrid was standing behind the shop and laughing.Nb: Han forstod at det var en forseggjort spøk.En: He understood that it was an elaborate joke.Nb: Ingrid fortalte dem at hun hadde jobbet på planen i ukesvis og lurte på om de hadde det gøy.En: Ingrid told them she had been working on the plan for weeks and wondered if they were having fun.Nb: Kari og Lars lo sammen med Ingrid, og de hadde en flott latter.En: Kari and Lars laughed together with Ingrid, and they had a great laugh.Nb: Til slutt gikk de tre vennene på jakt etter mer sjokolade, men denne gangen kjøpte de ekte vare.En: Finally, the three friends went in search of more chocolate, but this time they bought the real thing.Nb: De ble enige om å aldri glemme denne spøken, men også å aldri lure hverandre igjen på en så slem måte.En: They agreed to never forget this joke, but also to never fool each other again in such a mean way.Vocabulary Words: april : April tur : walk sentrum : center luring : swindler sjokoladebutikk : chocolate shop gratis vareprøver : free samples smaker : flavors sint : angry butikkeier : shopkeeper lurt : tricked skuffet : disappointed forseggjort spøk : elaborate joke jobbet på planen : worked on the plan det gøy : having fun lo : laughed jakt : search ekte vare : real thing aldri glemme : never forget lure hverandre : fool each other på en så slem måte : mean way]]

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