Discovering Koselig: An Australian's Journey into Norwegian Comfort

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Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Discovering Koselig: An Australian's Journey into Norwegian Comfort Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Nb: En dag i Oslo møtte Ingrid en turist som heter Jack.En: One day in Oslo, Ingrid met a tourist named Jack.Nb: Jack var fra Australia.En: Jack was from Australia.Nb: Ingrid smilte.En: Ingrid smiled at him.Nb: Hun sa hallo til Jack.En: She said hello to Jack.Nb: Jack sa hallo til henne.En: Jack said hello back to her.Nb: Så spurte han om et ord.En: Then he asked about a word.Nb: Dette ordet var "koselig".En: This word was "koselig."Nb: Ingrid lo litt.En: Ingrid chuckled.Nb: "Koselig" er et spesielt ord, sa hun.En: "Koselig" is a special word, she said.Nb: Det er et norsk ord.En: It is a Norwegian word.Nb: Det er ikke lett å forklare for utlendinger.En: It's not easy to explain to foreigners.Nb: Men hun ville prøve det for Jack.En: But she wanted to try to explain it to Jack.Nb: Hun ba ham følge med henne.En: She asked him to follow her.Nb: Først gikk de til en kafe i sentrum.En: First, they went to a café in the city center.Nb: Kafeen var liten og varm.En: The café was small and cozy.Nb: Det luktet godt av kaffe.En: It smelled of good coffee.Nb: Det var mange folk der.En: There were many people there.Nb: Noen snakket lavt.En: Some spoke softly.Nb: Andre leste i bøker.En: Others read books.Nb: Ingrid sa, "Dette er koselig.En: Ingrid said, "This is koselig.Nb: Stedet er ikke stort.En: The place is not big.Nb: Men det er hyggelig og varmt.En: But it's nice and warm.Nb: Folk er avslappet".En: People are relaxed."Nb: Så gikk de til parken.En: Then they went to the park.Nb: Barn lekte i snøen.En: Children played in the snow.Nb: Noen bygde en snømann.En: Some built a snowman.Nb: Andre lo og kastet snøballer.En: Others laughed and threw snowballs.Nb: Familier satt på tepper og drakk varm kakao.En: Families sat on blankets and drank hot cocoa.Nb: Ingrid sa, "Dette er også koselig.En: Ingrid said, "This is also koselig.Nb: Folk er sammen.En: People are together.Nb: De har en god tid".En: They are having a good time."Nb: På kvelden gikk de til Ingrids hjem.En: In the evening, they went to Ingrid's home.Nb: Huset var lite men det var pent.En: The house was small but pretty.Nb: Inne var det mye lys.En: Inside, there was a lot of light.Nb: Det var bilder på veggene.En: There were pictures on the walls.Nb: Sofaen hadde myke puter.En: The sofa had soft pillows.Nb: Ingrid lagde mat.En: Ingrid cooked.Nb: Fisken hun lagde, luktet fantastisk.En: The fish she made smelled fantastic.Nb: Etter middag tente Ingrid noen lys.En: After dinner, Ingrid lit some candles.Nb: De satte seg ned med en kopp te.En: They sat down with a cup of tea.Nb: Ingrid sa, "Dette er veldig koselig, ikke sant?En: Ingrid said, "This is very koselig, isn't it?"Nb: " Jack smilte.En: Jack smiled.Nb: Han så rundt seg.En: He looked around.Nb: Han så på det varme...

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