Falling and Rising: The Inspiring Journey of Lars on the Ski Slope

Fluent Fiction - Norwegian - Un pódcast de FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Norwegian: Falling and Rising: The Inspiring Journey of Lars on the Ski Slope Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/falling-and-rising-the-inspiring-journey-of-lars-on-the-ski-slope Story Transcript:Nb: Lars sto på toppen av den store skibakken.En: Lars stood at the top of the big ski slope.Nb: Han hadde på seg nye ski, nye skisko og en splitter ny skidress.En: He was wearing new skis, new ski boots, and a brand new ski suit.Nb: Skiene glitret i vintersolen.En: The skis glittered in the winter sun.Nb: Lars blunket nervøst.En: Lars blinked nervously.Nb: Bakken så høy og bratt ut.En: The slope looked high and steep.Nb: Men han ville prøve.En: But he wanted to try.Nb: Hele dagen hadde han sett på mens andre svingte seg elegant nedover bakken.En: All day, he had watched others gracefully maneuver down the slope.Nb: Så nå sto Lars der, på toppen, klar til å ta sitt første skritt mot det ukjente.En: So now Lars stood there, at the top, ready to take his first step towards the unknown.Nb: Rundt omkring sto folk og så på Lars.En: Around him, people stood and watched Lars.Nb: De smilte og lo litt.En: They smiled and chuckled a little.Nb: Lars var kjent for å være litt klønete.En: Lars was known to be a bit clumsy.Nb: Han snublet ofte, mistet ting og var alltid den siste til å forstå en vits.En: He often stumbled, dropped things, and was always the last one to understand a joke.Nb: Men han var også kjent for å være modig.En: But he was also known to be brave.Nb: Lars pleide ikke å gi opp uten kamp.En: Lars didn't usually give up without a fight.Nb: Hvis han falt, sto han alltid opp igjen.En: If he fell, he always got back up.Nb: "Lars," ropte en stemme.En: "Lars," a voice called.Nb: Lars snudde seg.En: Lars turned around.Nb: Det var Kari, hans beste venn.En: It was Kari, his best friend.Nb: "Lykke til," sa hun og smilte oppmuntrende.En: "Good luck," she said, smiling encouragingly.Nb: Lars nikket og tok mot til seg.En: Lars nodded and gathered his courage.Nb: Så satte han utfor.En: Then he started down the slope.Nb: Han prøvde å huske alt Kari hadde lært ham.En: He tried to remember everything Kari had taught him.Nb: Men det gikk ikke.En: But it didn't work.Nb: Han falt.En: He fell.Nb: Igjen og igjen.En: Again and again.Nb: Noen ropte "Se på Lars!En: Some shouted, "Look at Lars!"Nb: " og folk lo.En: and people laughed.Nb: Lars lå der i snøen.En: Lars lay there in the snow.Nb: Han var kald, han var våt og han var flau.En: He was cold, wet, and embarrassed.Nb: Han ville gi opp.En: He wanted to give up.Nb: Men så tenkte han på Kari.En: But then he thought of Kari.Nb: Han husket hennes oppmuntrende smil.En: He remembered her encouraging smile.Nb: Så han reiste seg opp, børstet snøen av klærne og forsøkte igjen.En: So he got up, brushed the snow off his clothes, and tried again.Nb: Og han falt.En: And he fell.Nb: Men han reiste seg opp igjen.En: But he got back up.Nb: Og igjen.En: And again.Nb: Og igjen.En: And again.Nb: Dagen ble til ettermiddag.En: The day turned into afternoon.Nb: Skibakkene stengte...

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